Our new E-Commerce site is online!
Join the Belvedere Cycling Family

Today we would like to talk to you about our new E-Commerce site to which we dedicated so much love and hard work during the long months of the last year and a half when, due to the pandemic, we could not have our dear guests physically with us.
On the one hand it was a huge investment for us, during a financially difficult time, but on the other hand it gave us the opportunity to remain united and to be able to work together with one great goal: to be able to offer our guests around the world the chance to wear the outfits that we personally create and to become Belvedere ambassadors.
And this is not all. The following words were written to us by a guest of ours and needless to say they touched us all and left our hearts bursting with pride. Our Belvedere outfits are not just clothing.
So take a look and join the Belvedere cycling family.
…. We had a really warm Father’s day Sunday here in Victoria – we knew the weather was going to be nice so we planned a short (20k) coffee ride for this morning. We don’t ride together very often but usually do for special occasions and today we happened to wear the Belvedere jerseys you gave us when Julia was here.We had 3 interactions with other cyclists here in Victoria who were aware of the Belvedere and I thought you might like to hear of them.
The first was of a serious cyclist – we had just started our ride and we’re waiting for a light to change to cross onto the paved bike path. She came up behind us and saw our kit. Right away said she had been to the Belvedere 2 years ago, was hoping to go this year but had to put it off because of the pandemic. She was hoping to come again as soon as possible and would see us when we were next there. Off she went…
The second rider we met was a tall man clearly from Britain and a serious rider – we knew he was serious because he was in line behind us at the coffee shop and all he ordered was a Coke so we knew he was fuelling up. He saw the jerseys, had heard of the Belvedere and asked if the Belvedere was “worth it”. We responded with an enthusiastic yes – he said he was apprehensive because his wife doesn’t ride much but we explained how the rides were structured for all levels to meet for lunch everyday regardless of skill and that even casual riders will have a wonderful time. Also the food was terrific and there was lots for non-riders to do around town too.
The third interaction is the most special – while I was waiting indoors for our order to be filled, L. went out to find a table and when I came out I found her speaking to a husband and wife with their grown daughter having coffee after he had just ridden 80k. He had called them to pick him up because it was hot and he didn’t feel like riding anymore. The husband saw L.’s Belvedere jersey and asked her if she had been there – because by sheer coincidence they were speaking of the Belvedere the day before and were thinking of coming. Of course she said yes! As I approached the table with our coffees he looked familiar,…. I asked him his first name and he said his name was Mike,… I laughed out loud and we both realized he and I had gone through the same program in University and hadn’t’ seen each other since a ski trip we took together 40 years ago! It was a terrific chance meeting – he and his wife moved to Victoria 4 years ago and they actually live pretty close to us (well everything is close in Victoria). We exchanged phone numbers and will get together once restrictions lift soon. All because of our Belvedere kit.
Anyways, I just wanted you to know that the Belvedere has a way of connecting us because you have created a terrific brand and experience for those of us in Canada, and elsewhere, who love to cycle. Because of that I have reconnected with an old classmate and now have someone else to ride with….thank you.” P.R.